Feb 25, 2009

auto login by expect


spawn telnet ptt.cc
expect "請輸入代號,或以[guest]參觀,以[new]註冊:"
send "{Your Name}\n"
send "{Your Password}\n"

send "\n"

interact timeout 90 {send "s"}

Python, PyGTK & Glade


Feb 15, 2009



梅爾文.布萊格(Melvyn Bragg)

   知名小說家、文化評論家、廣播與電視節目主持人。多年來領導並參與多項文化藝術文學機構,擁有十餘項榮譽學位,目前任里茲大學(University of Leeds)校長、英國國家藝術推廣協會(National Campaign for the Arts)主席及英國上議院成員。有三十餘本著作,包括十餘小說、文化評論及兩本童書。布萊格擁有深厚人文知識,推廣文學及藝術不遺餘力,數年來在英國的 廣播及電視上推廣知識、藝文教育,製作出很多令人激賞的節目。布萊格的出版品和影音作品早已在英國成為藝術推廣的知名招牌。




GARP defines the architecture, rules of operation, state machines and variables for the registration and de-registration of attribute values.
GVRP(GARP VLAN Registration Protocol)
GVRP provides a mechanism for dynamic maintenance of the contents of Dynamic VLAN Registration Entries for each VLAN, and for propagating the information they contain to other Bridges. This information allows GVRP-aware devices to dynamically establish and update their knowledge of the set of VLANs that currently have active members, and through which Ports those members can be reached. The main purpose of GVRP is to allow switches to automatically discover some of the VLAN information that would otherwise need to be manually configured.
GMRP(GARP Multicast Registration Protocol)
GMRP provides a mechanism that allows bridges and end stations to dynamically register group membership information with the MAC bridges attached to the same LAN segment and for that information to be disseminated across all bridges in the Bridged LAN that supports extended filtering services. The operation of GMRP relies upon the services provided by the GARP.

Feb 3, 2009

VMware Server

VMware Server 於二年多前已公告可以免費下載使用,我想,最主要原因還是 Microsoft Virtual PC, Xen .... 等競爭對手一一出現,今天本想在 WIndows 上使用 QEMU 安裝 CentOS5 測試一些東西,不知為何一直有問題,後來直接放棄改試試 VMware Server,安裝上沒問題難度,但一開始使用,有二個地方小卡了一下

  1. VMware Server 是利用web管理自已的系統(= =.這個該很久以前使用VMware Workstation的感覺剛全不一樣,不過那已經是五、六年前的事了),進入時會因為 ssl sing 的問題而被檔掉,需要自行加入例外
    Firefox : 工具 -> 選項 -> 檢視憑證清單 -> 伺服器 -> 加入例外清單
  2. 登入時,需要輸入帳號/密碼,這時指的是你電腦裡的帳號密碼

Feb 2, 2009


前幾天測試使用RADVD來發送IPv6,只需 apt-get install radvd 但安裝時,/etc 下不會有config,需手動從 /usr/share/doc/radvd-doc/examples 中 Copy 到 /etc 下,起動 /etc/init.d/radvd start,此時可能會發生 IPv6 Forwoding 沒有設定,參考 Linux IPv6 HowTo 得知,echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/pv6/conf/default/forwarding 就可解決

以下是我使用簡單的 Config :
interface eth0
AdvSendAdvert on;

# This may be needed on some interfaces which are not active when
# radvd starts, but becomoe available later on; see man page for details.

# IgnoreIfMissing on;

# These settings cause advertisements to be sent every 3-10 seconds. This
# range is good for 6to4 with a dynamic IPv4 address, but can be greatly
# increased when not using 6to4 prefixes.

MinRtrAdvInterval 3;
MaxRtrAdvInterval 10;

# You can use AdvDefaultPreference setting to advertise the preference of
# the router for the purposes of default router determination.
# NOTE: This feature is still being specified and is not widely supported!
AdvDefaultPreference low;

# Disable Mobile IPv6 support
AdvHomeAgentFlag off;

# example of a standard prefix
prefix 2001:db8:1:0::/64
AdvOnLink on;
AdvAutonomous on;
AdvRouterAddr off;